Sunday, May 01, 2011: The country will once again commemorate Labor Day. For many of us, this day is merely another holiday, a day-off from work and an excuse to have a vacation. For some of us, this day offers more meaning as some remembers and honors our workers’ past victories to establish an eight hour workday, assemble legally, and form labor unions. For the remaining few, this day is going beyond just remembering as it signals the continuous fight for the rights and welfare of every worker. But then why should only a few continue this historical battle?
The longstanding issue of non-regularization in the ranks of our labor forces, which was recently highlighted by the row between the management and employees of Philippine Airlines (PAL), has been the gravest impediment towards the attainment of job security for our people. Contractual workers are being disposed of like tissue papers by employers by virtue of a time-bound contract. Schemes such as subcontracting, agency-hiring, job-out and the like impinge upon not only their right to receive non-wage benefits (such as SSS, PhilHealth, paid sick leave and the like), join labor unions, and participate in collective bargaining agreements, but also every worker’s right to a decent life.
The current plight of our nation’s workers is a far cry from a society that is just and progressive. And yet, many of us would still choose to just stand idly by, some of us would still choose to simply remember, even as the rights and welfare of the backbone of our economy continue to be dragged behind, even as the future of yet another set of graduates are greeted with the kind of jobs that are not up to par with the education that they’ve received, even as our future, when we join the labor force could remain to be the same.
We implore the members of Congress to act for the swift passage of House Bill 303, or the Security of Tenure Bill that will amend the Labor Code of the Philippines. And while this progressive piece of legislation continues to fall to deaf ears, we urge all sectors of society, most especially the students, to bring the cause against contractual employment to the parliament of the streets.
Now more than ever, we are challenged to go beyond remembering. It is time, as it has always been in years past, to take action on May 1, for what Labor Day truly represents.
Kasama ka sa pagsusulong ng panlipunang katwiran at pagbabago.
Kasama ka sa pagtatanggol sa mga karapatan ng ating mga manggagawa.
Kasama ka, Iskolar para sa Bayan, ngayong Araw ng Paggawa!
May 1, 2011