Monday, April 16, 2012

For Transparency and Accountability: UP ALYANSA continues with its USC WATCH

UP ALYANSA's USC WATCH letter addressed to the USC Chairperson, Heart Diño:

"The USC Watch is a project initiated by UP ALYANSA in the hopes of making the USC more reachable to the UP populace. It provides a blow-by-blow account of the ongoing USC Committee Deliberations and updates on different USC initiated projects. As the USC General Assembly is open to everyone, this endeavor is a way to inform the students about the pertinent issues discussed in the general assembly. Moreover, this can provide an avenue for higher student participation in the USC campaigns, services, and activities. The USC Watch serves as an independent body covering the USC and as a leadership and service formation; it is incumbent upon us to monitor the highest representative body of the students so as we can provide check and balances with integrity."

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